
All posts in Sales

11 Sales Onboarding Templates For Maximum Employee Retention


 Sales Onboarding Processes

Studies show that effective employee onboarding improves employee retention by 82%. And this applies to sales onboarding, as well! When considering the average cost of replacing an employee is ~$30,000, you will recognize how vital good onboarding processes are.

Despite this, 88% of organizations don’t onboard well. This is a major problem burning holes in a lot of pockets and a reason why sales onboarding is so important.

In this Process Street article, you’ll learn what sales onboarding is and the benefits good onboarding brings to a business. You will find out key skills to be identified and nurtured during the sales onboarding process before being granted access to Process Street’s Sales Onboarding Checklist for free. This checklist is uniquely designed to help you develop effective sales onboarding processes.

This article has been written to assist in the creation of a leading sales team. To do that we give you our top 11 template resources. You can click on the links below to be directed to these templates, or scroll down to find out more.

  1. Sales Onboarding Checklist
  2. Diversity Hiring Process
  3. Ari Meisel’s How to Streamline the Hiring Process Guide
  4. Code of Conduct Policy Adherence Process
  5. Employee Background Check
  6. Employee Developmental Plan Template
  7. Employee Satisfaction Survey
  8. Performance Management
  9. Performance Review Template
  10. Training Plan Template
  11. Sales Manager Job Description Template

Click on the relevant subheader below to jump to the section of choice. Or, as recommended, scroll down to read all we have to say regarding sales onboarding.

Let’s get started, shall we?
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24 Call to Action Examples in Detail: How to Inspire Action

24 call to action examples in detail: how to inspire action

There’s only so many times you can read “the button is red which makes it stand out” before getting frustrated. “Yes,” I thought, “but what about everything else? Why is this call to action example where it is? Why isn’t it a circle?”

“What is this CTA designed to do, and how does it achieve this?”

I couldn’t find an easy answer to these questions, and that had to change. That’s why this post will take apart 24 CTAs in detail. No one-sentence summaries and vague details.

From landing pages to supermarket signs, you’ll see how these calls to action may play a larger part in the company’s strategy, how they are set up to achieve this, and therefore how to apply the lesson from each to your own.

Let’s begin.

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MEDDIC: How to Get Higher Close Rates and Masterfully Qualify Leads


Why do you need a MEDDIC process in place?

From sales prospecting to cold calling and emailing, and qualifying leads to closing the sale, it’s a well-known fact that sales reps have their work cut out.

But did you know that, according to research by The Bridge Group, 1/3rd of salespeople fail to meet their sales quotas? Not just from time-to-time either, but on a permanent basis.

As somebody who’s at the helm of your sales team, it’s your duty to supply your colleagues with the right systems, processes, and tools. You must make sure your team succeeds.

For sales success – specifically, qualifying leads for the sales pipeline properly, getting higher close rates, meeting quotas, and dramatically boosting your bottom-line – use the MEDDIC methodology and process.

Never heard of MEDDIC before?

No sweat.

Read through the following sections in this Process Street post to get clued up:

Or, if you wanted to make use of our MEDDIC Sales Process Template straight away, grab it here:

Click here to get the MEDDIC Sales Process Checklist Template!

Let’s dive on in.

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How Revenue Operations Can Support & Increase Sales Growth

Amy Dawson is a freelance copywriter specializing in content creation and PR strategies. With a background in recruitment, Amy has spent many years writing about how to make the most of your job hunt, from finding out where to search for your dream job, to preparing for your interview and understanding what to expect from your employer.

For many years, businesses have seen better sales & business performance as a result of dedicated departmental operations managers: Sales operations, marketing operations, customer operations, systems operations, they all work to improve the operational efficiency of their teams.

However, this kind of vertical organization can make it difficult to figure out how sales, marketing and customer success can work together optimally.

Siloing operational knowledge like this often leads to inefficiencies and reduced performance.

That’s where the role of revenue operations (also referred to as RevOps) comes in: Their goal is to increase efficiencies and ensure that each strand is working together harmoniously.

In this Process Street post, we’ll be covering:

How Our Sales Team Use Checklists to Identify Sales Opportunities & Close Deals

How Our Sales Team Use Process Street

“To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.” – Benjamin Franklin

Is your sales team prioritizing their time and channeling their efforts for the highest return? Are you sure you have the systems in place to take advantage of every sales opportunity that presents itself to you, from outreach to closing the deal?

Over the years, our sales team has built a few processes that help them maximize the impact of their daily recurring tasks. In turn, these processes are partially responsible for helping us along the way to over 450,000 registered users, including likes of Colliers, Salesforce, Accenture, Spotify, and Airbnb.

In this Process Street article I’ll share some of those sales processes with you.

We’ll cover how our sales team has used checklists to:

  • Identify & lock-onto our highest value leads: According to the CMO Council, lost productivity and poorly managed leads cost companies at least $1 trillion every year. We don’t want to even lose $1 due to lost productivity. By using Process Street our sales team can manage leads efficiently.
  • Quickly and easily respond to requests for trial extensions, discounts, upgrades, and more: From trial extensions, pricing, product explanation, and demos, a Process Street checklist can be created and run for all sale requests, standardizing processes and keeping teams abiding by best practice.
  • Capture important information during the sales cycle: According to Accenture, 42.5% of sales reps take 10 months or longer before they contribute to the company goals. Capturing sales data helps Process Street’s sales team create actionable sales insights, insights both the sales leaders and reps can refer to and rely on to better reach their goals.

These processes are mainly used by our Account Executives every day – and I’ll cover how each of the checklists map to each stage of the sales cycle.

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Make Magic & Embody Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Cross-Departmental CollaborationThis is a guest post written by Kashyap Trivedi. Kashyap is a Project Manager, working with an awesome team at Launch Space. He helps SaaS companies conquer the SERPs with Expert Outreach. When he is not working, you’ll find him playing Table Tennis or Meditating.

The Sales, Marketing, and Support teams form the three significant points of a business’ interactions with customers. Because of this, they must work together to create a seamless transition for the customers that are moving from one stage of the buying process to another.

When all three teams work together in sync, they can easily help each other to reach organizational goals quickly. This article will show you how these three teams can work together and how your business can benefit from it. To jump to a specific section of the post click the appropriate link below.

Let’s start with Sales.
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Logistics & Inventory Management: How To Do it With a “No-Contact” Policy

Inventory Management

This is a guest post by Reese McKnight. Reese is a sales veteran and editor over at JookSMS, a messaging platform for teams and customers. Hailing from Royersford, Pennsylvania, she started out as a sales assistant in local advertising. Her favorite pastime is trying out new cuisines and board games.

Widespread business changes, caused by COVID-19, have affected global trade and supply chains significantly.

Hundreds and thousands of businesses around the world are having to navigate newly implemented no-contact policies for the safety of both themselves and their clients.

What does this mean for logistics & inventory management?

This question, and more, will be answered in this Process Street as we go through the following topics:

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11 Game-Changing Sales Metrics & How/When to Use Them

Molly Stovold
November 25, 2020

11 Game-Changing Sales Metrics & How When to Use Them

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”John Wanamaker, 19th-century marketing pioneer

Fortunately, it’s no longer the nineteenth century.

Thanks to wondrous advancements in technology, you now have all the tools you need to determine exactly what is working within your sales processes and why.

How? Through the use of sales metrics.

Sales metrics help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your marketing and sales strategies. They also provide insight into how much your business spends on securing a lead and allow you to monitor and analyze the progress of your marketing actions.

The question is: which sales metrics should you be tracking?

This Process Street blog takes you through 11 of the most valuable sales metrics, how to calculate them, and how to turn the metric’s data into actions that encourage your business to grow.

To jump to a specific section of the post click the links below:

Alternatively, to get fully clued up on all 11 metrics and how to use their data in an actionable, positive way – just keep scrolling.

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5 Mind-Blowing Things We Learned About Our SaaS Price Model

SaaS price model

For organizations, updating prices is like getting plastic surgery (I imagine).

You’re painfully aware that people can see what you’ve done, but under no circumstances will you ever talk about it. It’s a forbidden topic.

The first rule of pricing is: you do not talk about pricing” – Medium, The First Rule of Pricing is: You Do Not Talk About Pricing

Until now. I’m sticking two fingers up to the stigma surrounding pricing and I’m lifting the lid to reveal what goes on, behind the scenes, when organizations like Process Street change their SaaS price model.

I know. I’m brave, right?

Over the last few weeks, I’ve coerced and cajoled the Process Street pricing team into sharing some of the biggest pricing lessons we’ve learned (sometimes the hard way), since we launched in 2013.

And, here they are…


Let’s hope I still have a job at the end of this…

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How To Write Consulting Proposals in 10 Easy Steps (+ Free Template!)

how to write consulting proposals

This is a guest post by Victor Eduoh, a SaaS content strategy consultant and copywriter. He helps early- and growth-stage SaaS companies drive growth, using the SaaS content topic clusters strategy and Product-Led Storytelling, two concepts he developed.

“And, after all, winning business is what writing proposals is all about.” Tom Sant, in his bestselling book, Persuasive Business Proposals, continued:

“Although a great proposal by itself seldom wins a deal, a bad proposal will definitely lose one.

Tom is right.

Writing a consulting proposal isn’t a silver bullet to land your next client. But fail to craft an excellent, professional one and you won’t close any deal.

Since you found your way to this post, you don’t want that, right? We don’t want it either.

So, in this Process Street article, you’ll find ten practical steps to make your next consulting proposal excellent (i.e., worthy of closing deals).

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Sound good? Read on for a free checklist to get started.
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