
All posts in Tech & Startups

Reduce New Hire Churn With This Employee Onboarding Checklist

New employee onboarding checklist reducing churn

Despite many managers understanding the importance of employee onboarding, Sapling has found that 88% of companies don’t onboard well.

This is a troubling revelation when you take into account that offering an excellent onboarding experience enhances employee retention by as much as 82%.

Want to ensure you have high employee retention while also maintaining job satisfaction? I’ve got you covered.

In this blog post, I’m going to walk you through exactly why good employee onboarding matters, the magic of automation, and what makes up a good employee onboarding experience. Check it out here:

Let’s dive in!
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The Ultimate Process Management Software Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose The Perfect Platform

process management softwareIf you need to manage any kind of recurring work in your team, but aren’t sure what to look for in a process management software, then this guide will give you all of the information you need to help you make sense of the marketplace and make the best decision possible.

In this Process Street guide you will find:

By the end of this guide, you will be ready & confident to identify & make a decision about your ideal process management software.
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The 10 Best Workflow Apps Your Team Needs Today

best workflow appsWorking efficiently can be an uphill battle, especially for larger teams. Luckily, the right workflow app has the ability to make your life a whole lot easier.

Each team needs a well-structured workflow to stick to when it comes to conducting daily tasks and all that other good stuff that keeps the engine of your company running.

The right workflow app allows your team to streamline their processes and improve the efficiency of daily recurring work. However, finding the right workflow management platform to meet the specific needs of your team can be complicated due to the number of products available on the market.

That’s why we at Process Street have compiled this list of the best workflow apps on the market right now, to help you understand what’s on offer & make the best decision.

Let’s dive in!

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The Impact of Data & Tech on the Future of Hybrid Work for Startups

The Impact of Data & Tech on the Future of Hybrid Work for StartupsJoanne Camarce is a digital marketer focused on growing and strategizing B2B marketing and PR efforts. She loves slaying outreach campaigns and connecting with brands like G2, Wordstream, Process Street, and more. When she’s not wearing her marketing hat, you’ll find Joanne lost in the world of Japanese music and art, or just being a dog mom.

From increased employee autonomy to the transformation of offices into meeting hubs, the world of work has experienced a fundamental shift in how things are done. As data and tech innovations continue to morph the future of hybrid work for startups, that change will keep moving.

And that’s a good thing.

None of us knew exactly how much change the pandemic would bring, and some of that change has been frustrating, difficult, and not exactly ideal. Some of it, though, has been very necessary. Some of that change has even been a bit brilliant and revolutionized workplace accessibility in ways many employees have only dreamt of.

We’re talking about change that has made the startup world more efficient, strategic, and, heck – more human.

So how exactly do data and tech continue to impact the future of hybrid work for startups? Let’s find out.

In this post for Process Street, I’ll cover the primary impact hybrid has had so far – and what companies can expect going forward:

Let’s get to work!
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Process Design Masterclass: Top Tips from a Process Design Expert

process design masterclass

This article is based on a segment from Process Street‘s Highway 2021 virtual event, where Anne Perry, Process Street’s resident process design expert, shares with us how we’ve built processes for hundreds of teams to help make work fun, fast, and faultless.

Process Design Masterclass: What I’ve Learned Building Processes for Hundreds of Teams was the eighth segment in Process Street’s Highway event.

You can check out our playlist of the full Highway event here, and don’t forget to sign up for free with Process Street!

Here’s the Process Design Masterclass with Anne Perry segment in full:

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How to Use Google Keep to Create The Ultimate Task List

How to Use Google KeepWhile it’s getting more popular lately, Keep is one Google’s of less popular products. It’s been around since 2013, and is a 100% free way to manage your tasks and store information.

What’s more, it links seamlessly with Gmail!

Because of this, you can now use Keep and Gmail together to create a lightweight task management system that lives inside your inbox. If you’re the sort of person who likes to start each day on to-do list / inbox zero and you’re striving to be more productive, you’ll love this.

This Process Street post will be covering:

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How Revenue Operations Can Support & Increase Sales Growth

Amy Dawson is a freelance copywriter specializing in content creation and PR strategies. With a background in recruitment, Amy has spent many years writing about how to make the most of your job hunt, from finding out where to search for your dream job, to preparing for your interview and understanding what to expect from your employer.

For many years, businesses have seen better sales & business performance as a result of dedicated departmental operations managers: Sales operations, marketing operations, customer operations, systems operations, they all work to improve the operational efficiency of their teams.

However, this kind of vertical organization can make it difficult to figure out how sales, marketing and customer success can work together optimally.

Siloing operational knowledge like this often leads to inefficiencies and reduced performance.

That’s where the role of revenue operations (also referred to as RevOps) comes in: Their goal is to increase efficiencies and ensure that each strand is working together harmoniously.

In this Process Street post, we’ll be covering:

OKR Management from a Slack HQ with Weekdone + Process Street


Setting OKRs is a great way to improve performance by rallying your team around clear, action-oriented goals.

The best OKRs are ambitious, but realistically achievable, within reasonable deadlines.

In this post, we’ll look at how to set and manage your own company OKRs using an integration between OKR management software Weekdone and workflow management software Process Street.

We’ll cover:

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The Secret to Scalable Business with Rich Wong (General Partner at Accel)

scalable business process managementThis article is based on a segment from Process Street Highway 2021, where Rich Wong talks with Vinay Patankar and Blake Thorne of Process Street to discuss everything about scaling a business (namely, why it’s impossible without building solid processes.)

You can check out the full segment below, or read on for highlights.

Rich is a General Partner with Accel; he’s led investments across all sorts of exciting industries and companies, including sitting on the board of some great companies like Atlassian, UIPath, and Process Street.

Here’s what he had to say about why and how process management is so important to building a scalable business.
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The 11 Best Screen Sharing Apps (And How to Use Them)

screen sharingWhether it’s regular stand-up meetings with your team, customer communication, delivering feedback, demoing a new feature, or leading a webinar, screen sharing apps are so useful in the remote workplace that finding the best fit for your needs is an important task.

Well you’re in luck, as there are many offerings to choose from, not least due to the recent explosion of remote work around the globe.

In this Process Street article, I’ll be covering all of the best screen sharing apps (including those with remote desktop access), with advice on price, features, and what each tool is best used for.

Here’s a quick list of the screen sharing & remote desktop software I’ll be looking at:

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