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How to Tighten the Employee Feedback Loop & Reclaim Your Team’s Productivity

employee feedback loop

An employee feedback loop can be a great tool if you’re trying to improve the quality of your products or boost the satisfaction of your employees.

There are numerous benefits to gathering and utilizing feedback but there are also several key things to remember that will help you make your feedback loops as effective as possible.

We will look at the different types of feedback loops, how they can positively impact businesses, and the best practices for making them work the first time, every time.

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Make Your Company a Competitive Heavy-Hitter with a Culture of Quality

Make Your Company a Competitive Heavy-Hitter with a Culture of Quality

What if your business could establish a culture that harnesses quality as an operational weapon? What if you could make quality a repeatable, instinctive pattern of work that puts your company at the front of the pack?

The past couple of years haven’t been easy for businesses. The snail-paced unfolding of Brexit brought uncertainty and disruption for British and EU businesses, and anyone connected to them. 

Then the ravages of COVID-19 shut large swathes of the world economy down and brought the Great Resignation in its wake. And now, inflation is rocketing skyward, the ‘r’ word is on everyone’s lips, and the cheap debt of the last decade is set to be curtailed by the Federal Reserve’s hiking of interest rates

It’s clear that we’re in the middle of a rough patch. Businesses need to take measured, proactive steps now to weather the storm and make themselves as strong, healthy, and competitive as they can be.

In times like these, it can be tempting to reach for the nuclear option and take dramatic evasive action: diversification, cost-cutting, remodeling, and risk analysis are the order of the day. 

Culture doesn’t get much of a look-in. But here’s why that’s a mistake – and why focusing on quality, and how to graft it into the heart of your cultural DNA, is one of the best things your business can do to prepare for the next few years.

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Employee Retention Strategies to Survive the Great Resignation

Employee Retention Strategies

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that over 47 million people in the United States have voluntarily quit jobs. This phenomenon has been labeled the Great Resignation.

Another survey found that most people who quit their jobs in 2021 did so because of low pay (63%), lack of opportunities for advancement (63%), and feeling disrespected at work (57%). At least a third of those who left say that each of these was a major reason.

So, you may be looking for strategies to reduce your company’s attrition rate and keep your best employees.

In today’s world of job-hopping and freelancing, it’s not easy to keep employees on board, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put in any effort.

If you’re looking to successfully get through the Great Resignation, here are some strategies you may consider implementing:

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A Quick Guide to No Code Platforms

No code platform

Every business relies on different software applications to thrive in its niche or market. But if your business isn’t in tech, or if you don’t have any software development experience, odds are you’ll need to use pre-made software that doesn’t perfectly fit your business’s needs.

That is, of course, unless you write your own applications from scratch. But don’t you have to know a lot of programming languages or have coding experience to get the job done? Not with no code platforms.

Today, let’s explore what no code platforms are, how they work, and whether you should use a no code platform for your enterprise’s applications and software solutions.

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Soft Skills in the Workplace: 7 Ways to Earn Amazing Results

Soft Skills in the Workplace

 It’s a competitive world out there. Your business is striving every day to outperform your competitors. 

That might mean lower pricing, better website design, or more engaging content. But it’s not easy to find new ideas that will differentiate you from the rest.

Maybe you’ve invested in excellent communications, including the best business VoIP plans. You may even have invested in better job-related training. 

But do your employees have the right skills for success? Not just hard skills like technical knowledge – we’re talking soft skills.

92% of talent professionals say that soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills when they’re hiring. 

80% also say soft skills are increasingly important to company success. 

And Deloitte forecasts that soft skill-intensive occupations will account for two-thirds of all jobs by 2030.

What does that all mean? If you’re not nurturing your employees’ soft skills, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to make your business more successful. 

So, what can you do? 

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A Complete Guide to Promoting a Healthy Remote Work-Life Balance

Healthy remote work-life balance

Our homes are no longer homes, and our offices are no longer offices. 

The long-term impact of an abrupt shift to remote work means many employees struggle to adjust. But employees aren’t the only ones who have to adjust. 

Companies now need to find a “new normal.” Remote work has given employees a taste of great flexibility and they’re not ready to part with it. 

To prevent the Great Resignation, employers need to find a way to keep their business running efficiently while also promoting a healthy remote work-life balance. 

We’ll explore how to adapt to this new reality. We’ll also look at how it’s impacting our recruiting, hiring, and managing of employees.

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5 Secrets to Hacking Reverse Mentoring

reverse mentoring

When I think of reverse mentoring, I think of summers with my grandparents as a teenager.

In 2011 they had recently replaced their dial-up with this neat little thing called “whiff-ee,” as my granddad pronounced it. But, as my grandparents grew up in the 1930s and 40s, they didn’t really understand how to use it. Thankfully, they had teenage tech support living in their guestroom for five weeks to help them with all their tech problems and to teach them how to connect all their devices.

I think many people have similar thoughts about reverse mentoring as I do. We think of the kids helping their grandparents with their smartphones and internet connections, setting them up with the simplest possible systems, but it is much more. 

As a younger Millennial/older Generation Z (seriously, no one knows where to put the kids born between 1995 and 1999), my generation has now entered the workforce, and our approach to working is different than that of the generations before us. 

34% of Generation Z believe opportunities for advancement are more important than their salary. If a significant portion of  Generation Z is less money motivated, how do you convince them to stay with your organization long-term?

Here are a few other problems you may often think of: the War for Talent, the Great Resignation, and an increase in older workers choosing early retirement. The answer to these problems is reverse mentoring. Please allow Process Street to explain how it works:

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Employee Motivation 101: 5 HR Tips for Management

Anna Hase
September 23, 2022
employee motivation management

Employee motivation is a complex thing and something most HR professionals have struggled with at some point. 

If you’re wondering how to increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and, in turn, business outcomes, you’re not alone.

Psychologists have long debated this topic, and their findings provide a gateway to effective employee management.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the psychology behind employee motivation and dive into the solutions that will make your employees thrive.

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What Are the Qualities of a Good Employee?

Qualities of a good employee

As an HR manager, you know a company is only as strong as its employees.

Your employees are the backbone of your company. They are the ones who interact with customers, produce products, and provide services.

In many ways, they are the ambassadors of your brand, and their interactions with customers can either reinforce or undermine your brand identity. 

That’s why knowing what qualities to look for in new hires is essential.

By finding candidates who align with your company’s values and providing them with comprehensive training, employees will be able to represent your brand effectively. So, what should you look for? 

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Process Redesign: How We Rebuilt Our Most Vital Process in Under 20 Hours

process redesign

At Process Street, we’re proud to rock process management. So much so, we try to encourage a culture of continuous improvement across all of our internal teams & processes.

It’s even in our name. 

So how is it that our content team ended up using a process that was in pretty dire need of a redesign? 

And not just any process, mind you – the process of processes. The process we live and breathe by. The process that defines everything we do – including this very post. The one process to rule us all.

That’s right: Our blog production process was broken. 

We knew it, too. That was the worst part. The entire team was painfully aware of exactly how broken and inefficient the blog production process (BPP) had gotten. 

But you know how it is. Redesigning the blog production process became that thing that’s always on tomorrow’s to-do list.

By the time we finally found the capacity to tackle the process redesign project, there were more exceptions to the process than rules – which is not a good process management system at all. 

So the question became: How do we redesign a process that is constantly in use without breaking everything?

This is how we did it.

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