The modern workforce is, quite literally, movers and shakers.
No matter if self-bought or company-bought, employees are using mobile devices to work from while in the office, going from meeting-to-meeting, traveling cross-country to attend conferences, and even when working from home.
But for some (read: the security-minded), this is a little worrisome. With employees using personal and portable devices for work purposes, security hazards are aplenty. Theft. Security breaches. Data loss.
I needn’t go on.
It’s why 75% of CIOs view mobile security for organizations as not only a headache but a significant problem.
Though, with modern problems come modern solutions.
In this super informative post, I’ll be discussing EMM: Enterprise mobility management. It’s what every organization needs to know about, incorporate, and sustain so that its business remains security breach-free. Just read through the following sections to get acquainted with all-things EMM:
- What is EMM (enterprise mobility management)?
- BYOD and the benefits of enterprise mobility management
- Device management: The EMM best practices
- How Process Street can help your organization with EMM!
Now, let’s stop dilly-dallying and get started!