
All posts in Mobile

How to Manage Small Business Calendars in the Cloud

Calendar Apps

Keeping everyone on the same page in your business is easy with today’s technology. Using cloud-based calendars, you can have everyone synced up all the time from any device. In this post, I will go through our favorite setups to ensure your team never misses a meeting again.

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Mobile App Marketing: How to Successfully Build & Execute Your Strategy

Mobile App Marketing

This is a guest post from Emma Lee. Emma Lee is an experienced sales manager and content editor at ProEssayWriter. She is a fan of current technological trends and passionately strives to learn as much as possible about all things SaaS.

As business trends shift from mobile-friendly to mobile-first, more and more businesses are understanding the importance of mobile app marketing. In fact, over 40% of SMEs have a mobile app.

Want to jump on the bandwagon yourself?

It’s definitely a good idea…

But you can’t create an app, publish it, and expect it to work wonders straight away. As a mobile app development company, without a proper mobile app marketing strategy, it will end up in the app graveyard along with thousands of other failed mobile apps!

That’s why, in this guest post for Process Street, I’ll explain what mobile app marketing is. Then, I’ll show you how to prepare a mobile app for launch and market it the right way.

Make your way through the following sections:

Let’s get started.

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Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM): What It Is, Why It’s Important & How to Do It

Enterprise Mobility Management

The modern workforce is, quite literally, movers and shakers.

No matter if self-bought or company-bought, employees are using mobile devices to work from while in the office, going from meeting-to-meeting, traveling cross-country to attend conferences, and even when working from home.

But for some (read: the security-minded), this is a little worrisome. With employees using personal and portable devices for work purposes, security hazards are aplenty. Theft. Security breaches. Data loss.

I needn’t go on.

It’s why 75% of CIOs view mobile security for organizations as not only a headache but a significant problem.

Though, with modern problems come modern solutions.

In this super informative post, I’ll be discussing EMM: Enterprise mobility management. It’s what every organization needs to know about, incorporate, and sustain so that its business remains security breach-free. Just read through the following sections to get acquainted with all-things EMM:

Now, let’s stop dilly-dallying and get started!

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12 Mobile Keyword Ranking Tips: Optimize Your ASO and Paid Search Strategies

Mobile Keyword Ranking
There are 2.7 billion smartphone users worldwide. Within the first quarter of 2019, these app users had 2.6 million Android apps and 2.2 million iOS apps to choose from.

Competition to thrive in the app industry is fierce.

Mobile keyword ranking could be your saving grace.

What do I mean by mobile keyword ranking?

Mobile keyword ranking plays a key part in the process of marketing a technological application (app). With mobile keyword ranking, you can measure how well your app stands out when targeted keywords are used.  The aim is to attract the largest possible number of users by ensuring your app ranks highly for all relevant keywords. With an effective mobile keyword ranking strategy, you will maximize the revenue generation of your app.

Keep reading to discover Process Street‘s mobile keyword ranking top tips.

Our top tips have been gathered from App Annie’s Webinar: Win in the App Store with ASO and Paid Search.

App Annie is the guru of app marketing. By listening to their webinar, we have gathered key points straight from the professionals. We have summarized these key points, to produce this succinct tool kit to optimize your mobile keyword ranking.

This article has been structured as below:

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Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU): What It Is and How It Can Increase Your Revenue

ARPDAUThe beginning of the 20th Century marks the dawn of the Information Age. This is characterized by a rapid shift from an industrial economy to one that has become primarily based on information technology. It is from within this new digital era, that technological applications (apps) have come about.

The total number of app downloads in 2018 was 194 billion. Clearly there is a large consumer base – the app user – that needs to be catered for. The question is, how do you know if you are meeting the needs of your app users?

In this article, we at Process Street will explain how the app metric, ARPDAU  can be used to optimize your app for success. This article has been structured as below:

Let’s get started.
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iOS 12: Shortcuts, Siri & Zapier – 10 Awesome Automation Ideas

ios shortcuts

Have you ever wished you could get some of those pesky work tasks done more easily while on the move, or out-and-about? Those routine tasks and emails that take so much time out of your day, that you would give an arm and a leg to be able to automate?

Or, picture this: you easily send a quick follow-up email, record meeting notes in real time, create new projects, send surveys, schedule meetings, and much more by simply talking to Siri.

You can do all of this and more with Shortcuts for iOS 12 in combination with Siri and Process Street, using the power of Zapier integrations.

Shortcuts, formerly known as Workflow, puts Siri in the control seat of your business workflows, with more power and usefulness than ever before. Using custom phrases recorded and added to Siri’s library of voice gestures, you can trigger a series of actions across multiple apps.

There are two ways to use Shortcuts. The best option is the Shortcuts app itself, which is where you can create your own workflows from scratch. The app also comes with a gallery of suggested shortcuts curated by Apple. Separate from this, Siri will recommend shortcuts based on your daily iPhone activity. You can see these in Settings under Siri & Search.

Here’s a quick list of all of the ideas I’ll be covering in this post, before we dive in:

  • 1. Dictate meeting notes straight to your CRM
  • 2. Send an electronic contract when timing is crucial
  • 3. Master your calendar in an instant
  • 4. Kickstart your client onboarding process
  • 5. Get paid faster by sending your invoices ASAP
  • 6. Assign your team members on the go
  • 7. Grab and archive snapshots of your working screen-space during a technical audit
  • 8. Jump straight back into your drafts, anywhere, any time
  • 9. Dictate an email to your assistant
  • 10. Manage your tasks with a dynamic to-do list

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Inbox vs Gmail: Why I Made the Permanent Switchover

Inbox vs Gmail

While writing a recent article for TechCrunch about empty states in app design, I came across Inbox by Gmail — the app which rewards you with a sunny sky when you hit inbox zero.

Inbox vs Gmail: The Full Comparison

I’m probably a little late to the party, and as much as I love Gmail I feel that Inbox is a smarter and more intuitive way to process a bulging inbox.

Vinay covered why task snoozing is so powerful over on his Abstract Living blog, which made me want to try an app with the same mechanics.

If you’re anything like me and have these traits, you’re probably going to get a lot out of Inbox:

  1. Around 5% of your emails warrant a reply
  2. Less than 10% of your emails get opened
  3. You forget to create tasks in your to-do list from emails
  4. You spend too long hitting inbox zero (the very definition of ‘busy work’)
  5. You find it hard to separate useful emails from trash with your current app
  6. You need reminding often before you start working on a task
  7. You want to see a blue, sunny sky pop up when you clear your inbox.
  8. You like good things

Inbox vs Gmail Inbox Zero

Delightful, right?! It looks even better on the iPhone because it animates slightly. After 20 minutes of looking for a way to record my iPhone’s screen and buying some junk app which doesn’t actually do it, I’ll leave that to your imagination.

If you want more content on Google products, see the posts Google Drive Tips and Dropbox vs Google Drive.

But first, getting back on track: here’s Inbox vs Gmail (The Showdown).

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What is ASO? The App Optimization Strategy to Boost Your Downloads

what is aso app optimization new headerThe app market is booming and revenue is soaring.

According to TechCrunch, citing a report from AppAnnie:

Global app downloads topped 175 billion and consumer spending exceeded $86 billion in 2017, thanks to growth in emerging markets including China, India, Brazil and Russia…

One of the benefits of targeting this huge and growing market is that the Appstore and PlayStore are largely closed ecosystems. You can promote your apps directly to potential users in the one marketplace they are using to access apps.

The AppAnnie report also notes that app usage is up, with the average user spending 3 hours a day within apps on their phone. This means your app, once downloaded, is competing with the other apps on a user’s phone rather than countless other websites across the web.

So how do we get these downloads?

According to another report co-authored by AppAnnie and Adjust, titled The Complete Guide to Mobile App Marketing: App Store Optimisation, two thirds of all app downloads are organic. This means the app has been found in the store as a result of a user’s search, rather than being directed there by adverts on Facebook, Google, or elsewhere.

To harness these downloads and drive consistent traffic to your app, you need to have a strategy for app store optimization: ASO.

In this Process Street article, we’ll look at:

  • What is ASO?
  • How to build a process for keyword optimization
  • What are the best platforms to help you drive downloads?

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The 17 Best Apps for Business: A Look at Our Team’s Home Screens

best mobile apps for business - header

With today’s fast pace of living, it’s vital to have on-the-go access to everything that’s important to your work.

Rather than staring blankly out of a window on your train or bus to work, you could then instead be planning your day and organizing meetings, or commenting on tasks and sorting through your inbox to avoid getting distracted at the office.

However, with the sheer variety of technology on offer it’s also difficult to know what mobile apps you should be using.

That’s why I asked the Process Street team to share the best mobile apps for business they have installed and how they use them.

best mobile apps for business - intro to post

From the most valuable apps across our entire company to one-off niche cases that could do with a little more exposure, in this article I’ll highlight the apps that let our team stay productive and make every moment count.

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How to Keep Your Consumer App From Failing Within the First Year

consumer app

So you’ve had this awesome game-changing consumer app idea for years, and now you’ve finally gathered the chutzpah to make your mobile app dream a reality. You’ve consulted all your friends and family and even gone as far as running it past a few people in the industry. Everyone agrees—it’s a great idea. But a lot more goes into a successful app than just an idea and the development work.

Many consumer apps of all sizes and budgets fail because they overlook key factors that directly impact the success and sustainability of their app. Here are some companies we, at Process Street, have found that did almost everything right—and failed as a result of one mistake.

Ignoring the impact of even one of these five details will prove harmful—if not fatal—to your consumer app.

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