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Optimize Your Processes

Optimize Your Processes

Updated March 5, 2024

In this lesson, we’re going to introduce you to not one, but three awesome features – Dynamic Due Dates, Stop Tasks & Conditional Logic. We’re going to cover:

  • What these features do and how they can benefit your processes
  • Why using these features can super-charge your workflows
  • How to get started using these features
  • What’s possible when you start using one, two or all three of them

Estimated time for this lesson ~ 15 minutes per feature

This lesson is part of our onboarding program. Find out more about what you’ll learn from the program when you’re getting started.

The steps below outline how to add these features from scratch, but there’s a quicker way! Discover how Process AI can generate extra details in your workflows with just a few clicks.


What are these features and why use them?

Dynamic Due Dates

There are a few different ways to set stand-alone due dates on tasks, on whole workflow runs or in scheduled workflow runs, however, these due dates as their name suggests are.. dynamic! You can use Dynamic Due Dates to be based on other parts of your workflow run, like dates from form fields, the date the workflow run was started, or from other tasks within the workflow run. So if you have tasks that are interlinked with the start or completion of another task, you’ll want to consider using this feature.

Say you’re hiring a new team member and you want to follow up on their offer letter to check that they have responded. You can set the date that the offer was sent out on one task, and then set a dynamic due date on the follow-up task, to be due one week after the date the offer was sent out. Streamlined processes, great!

Stop Tasks

Stop Tasks can perform a number of different functions which will help optimize your processes. They allow you to add a pause to your workflow, to enforce the order that tasks are completed in, to manage when notifications get sent to someone assigned to a task, or to add a review or approval stage (which is great, but you may want to start using our Approvals feature which was designed specifically for this!) Use stops in any or all of the ways described, to enable your workflow runs to behave in a way that suits your specific business model.

If you have a process that needs completing in a set order, you can multi-select tasks and add stops to all the tasks, thereby enforcing the order that the workflow run is completed in. No more missing out or skipping tasks before a workflow run is completed! Winner.

Conditional Logic

Many businesses operate with complex, branching workflows which can be built into your workflows with Conditional Logic. This is a powerful feature that works on “if this, then that” logic and allows you to show or hide tasks (or content within those tasks) depending on the selection you make in your workflow runs. As a result, your processes become more dynamic and responsive to the choices you make.

Say that your customers have a choice of products A, B or C. You can add a drop-down form field into your workflow so that when the selection of product is made in your workflow run, only the tasks that are relative to that specific product are shown. Neat huh? Clever workflow runs!

Adding these features step by step

When adding any new feature new to your processes, you’ll first need to start in your workflow editor. Click the three dots next to your chosen workflow’s name (or click its name) then click “Edit” in the right-hand menu:

You can find out how to add each of these features into your workflows from the links below.

Dynamic Due Dates  |  Stop Tasks  |  Conditional Logic 

Pro Tips:

  • Adding date form fields to your workflow runs increases the number of dynamic due date options you have
  • Multi-select lots of tasks to add stops to your tasks in one go, instead of one-by-one
  • Once you’ve created conditional logic rules, you can drag and drop them into the correct order. Remember, rules at the bottom take precedence over those above

Any questions?

Reach out to our Process Pros Team if you get stuck or need help setting up any of these features.

What is possible when you start using these features

Your workflow runs get superpowers! OK well maybe that was a little bit dramatic, but they definitely get a lot smarter and more dynamic.

Dynamic Due Dates

Using dynamic due dates saves you from having to manually add due dates to tasks once a workflow has been run. They also allow you to inter-link tasks based on when each one needs to be completed. Result = heaps of time saved and your processes become more dynamic. (The clue was in the name!)

Stop Tasks 

Stop tasks are multi-functional and allow you to control what happens in an active workflow run. They can create a pause in the process, enforce the order that the tasks are completed in and also pause notifications sent to task assignees. Result = you and your team work smarter, not harder.

Conditional Logic

Using conditional logic saves you from having to create multiple workflows for different parts of your workflow and linking them all together after the fact. Conditional logic allows you to have one large process that does it all! Result = beautiful, branching workflows!

Case Study

One of our customers DenaliTEK, uses Process Street workflow runs for client and employee onboarding (and many more of their operations). These two processes rely on some or all of the features mentioned above, to ensure that the right tasks are handled at the right time… and they love it!

“I found out how fabulous Process Street was”

Lisa Clark, Controller at DenaliTEK

Let’s put what you’ve learned into practice…

  • Find a workflow you’d like to add some or all of these features to
  • Open the workflow editor
  • Start building in those features
  • When you’re finished, save the changes to your workflow
  • Run a workflow to make sure it’s working the way you’d like it to

One action to take now

Set some time aside and start adding those new features! Take a look through all the workflows you have built out so far and identify where you can start adding any dynamic due dates, stop tasks, or conditional logic. Now it’s time to optimize…..

Helpful resources

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