
All posts in Process Street

Harness the Power of Continuous Improvement with Real-Time Run Updates!

real time run updatesThere’s no such thing as a perfect process.

The best process builders consistently tweak and improve their workflows over time. These principles — more formally called continuous improvement — were the inspiration for the newest Process Street feature: real-time run updates.

Real-time run updates make it easier than ever to save changes to your workflows, and push those changes to in-progress workflow runs.

This means no need to wait for your process to be “perfect” before getting it live in your business. You can launch and validate your workflow with a minimum viable process, and add updates to evolve your workflow over time. All without stopping, slowing down, or waiting on work that’s already happening.
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Process Design Masterclass: Top Tips from a Process Design Expert

process design masterclass

This article is based on a segment from Process Street‘s Highway 2021 virtual event, where Anne Perry, Process Street’s resident process design expert, shares with us how we’ve built processes for hundreds of teams to help make work fun, fast, and faultless.

Process Design Masterclass: What I’ve Learned Building Processes for Hundreds of Teams was the eighth segment in Process Street’s Highway event.

You can check out our playlist of the full Highway event here, and don’t forget to sign up for free with Process Street!

Here’s the Process Design Masterclass with Anne Perry segment in full:

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OKR Management from a Slack HQ with Weekdone + Process Street


Setting OKRs is a great way to improve performance by rallying your team around clear, action-oriented goals.

The best OKRs are ambitious, but realistically achievable, within reasonable deadlines.

In this post, we’ll look at how to set and manage your own company OKRs using an integration between OKR management software Weekdone and workflow management software Process Street.

We’ll cover:

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Process Street Highway 2021: Welcome to the Future of Process Management

process street highway webinar virtual event 2021
We’ve just wrapped up our first ever virtual event Highway, and we are super excited to share this roundup of everything!

Highway 2021 was an event we hosted to chat with industry leaders about everything process-related. From exciting developments to life (and business) changing use cases, Highway brought the best that the industry has to offer and streamed it live to an audience of hundreds.

Everyone involved, from our internal team to the guest speakers did such an amazing job pulling this together, and we’re super proud and excited to share the recordings with everyone.

So grab a coffee, sit right down and let Process Street show you to the future of process management!

Here’s an overview if you want to jump ahead:

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Pages: Your Secret Weapon for Totally Free Knowledge Management

Pages, a new product by Process Street, lets you capture, organize and share your team’s operational knowledge.

It’s also free, forever, for your entire team.

Pages is part of Process Street’s development as the modern process management platform for teams.

Thousands of teams from Salesforce to Yext use our interactive workflows to power their processes. In doing so, these teams are evolving their process maturity.

And process maturity, as well as how to think about & use our new Pages product, is exactly what we’ll be covering in this article.

Here’s an overview:

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Supercharge Your HR & Onboarding with Process Street (+ Video Walkthroughs!)


For HR managers in charge of onboarding new employees, daily tasks can quickly become difficult to track and overcomplicated.

Consider: 4 new hires starting this week, alongside about a dozen others that started in the past few months, and a handful that are wrapping up their first year any day now; it’s clear how HR departments can struggle to stay on top of things without stress or confusion.

That’s why human resources departments worldwide use Process Street to streamline and automate their daily HR work tasks, for processes like:

In this article, we’ll show you how our customers manage their daily HR tasks using Process Street.

You can see exactly how it’s done, with supporting screenshots and video walkthroughs.
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8 Time-Saving Hacks & Shortcuts for Process Building (From Our Team)

Top 5 Secret Hacks and Tricks in Process Street_1

96% of businesses use some kind of business process documentation, indicating a desire to document processes. Yet only 2% have fully documented processes that can be relied on for smooth business functioning, despite the widely reported benefits. There seems to be a knowledge gap preventing the full documentation of business operations. This article aims to close that gap and make it easier to build business processes for leaders worldwide.

A business process is a set of steps that, when completed in the required order, deliver the desired business outcome. Process building – aka business process documentation – is the documentation of these steps to create an actionable system to work from.

In this Process Street article, we turn to the process experts. We asked our internal team to give their top tips on process building, and here’s what we found out. We present you with our 8 time-saving tips for efficient process building.

Let’s start building!
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Introducing Pages: Your Free-For-Everyone Home for Team Knowledge

announcing pages

Way back in 2013, in a converted horse stable in Buenos Aires, the first version of Process Street was just starting to come together.

From day one, we were inspired by the concept of a repeatable checklist. We still love checklists. And we’re still guided by that initial concept. But we’ve come a long way.

Over the years, we’ve evolved checklists into Workflows and grown our Workflows product in new and exciting ways. Workflows continues to be a cornerstone of the Process Street platform with even more exciting developments in the works.

Now, we’re excited to announce Pages: a new, companion product to Workflows. It’s the latest step in evolving Process Street from a repeatable checklists tool to a complete, modern process management platform.

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Top 5 Secret Hacks and Tricks in Process Street

Process Street hacks and tricks

At Process Street, we serve over 450,000 registered users including the likes of Salesforce, Spotify, and Airbnb. We work with our users to help them get the best out of our software. With this goal in mind, we bring you this article detailing the top 5 secret hacks and tricks in Process Street.

We found out how the Process Street team uses our nifty workflow documentation software in their day-to-day activities. We gathered the responses given from every department and narrowed them down to present 5 top hacks and tricks you can incorporate into your Process Street experience today.

With that said, let’s jump straight to it!
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How Payroll Processors Uses Process Street’s Conditional Logic for Client Onboarding

How Payroll Processors Uses Process Street_s Conditional Logic for Client OnboardingEvery company needs HR, but not every company needs an HR department.

For those who aren’t looking to set up the traditional HR team, Payroll Processors has the solution: an entire HR department stuffed into a single platform so you can streamline all your payroll and employee management needs in one place.

Much like us here at Process Street, the folks at Payroll Processors believe: let us take care of things so you can focus on your business.

It’s no surprise, then, that when Payroll Processors wanted to focus on its business, it came to us, and so began a beautiful relationship.
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