
All posts in Technology

14 Top GRC Tools for an Integrated Governance, Risk and Compliance Strategy

14 Top GRC Tools for an Integrated Governance, Risk and Compliance Strategy-01-01

A recent study from Ponemon and Globalscope reported the average cost of meeting compliance mandates is $5.47 million, versus non-compliance fines of $14.82 million.

No organization wants to cough up massive non-compliance charges. And one effective means of avoiding such scenarios is by using a robust, effective, and integrated governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) approach.

Due to today’s complexity of governance, risk, and compliance demands, it would be considered reckless to go about using an integrated GRC approach without utilizing viable GRC tools.

GRC tools help organizations strategize the management of governance, risk, and compliance regulations in an integrated fashion.

In this Process Street article, you’re taken through a quick tour of our top GRC tools to meet the specificity of governance, risk, and compliance demands.

I’ll then show you how to use Process Street, for free, to integrate these three separate entities for an integrated GRC approach.

Click on the relevant subheader to jump to your section of choice. Alternatively, scroll down for your quick introduction to all things GRC, how the discipline has developed, and top tools and techniques you can use to implement GRC in your business.

Let’s jump straight to it!
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Why Top Brands Are Obsessed With Phygital Marketing

Why Top Brands Are Obsessed With Phygital Marketing

You’re waiting for the train on your way to work. You’ve got a long day ahead, and don’t feel like swinging by the grocery store afterward. Fortunately, there’s a supermarket kiosk on the platform. You scan the barcodes with your phone and arrange for your food to be delivered when you get home.

As you cross the street to your office building, the strap of your computer bag finally breaks. You don’t have time to run out and get a new one, but that’s okay. Once you’re in your office, you log on to the company’s website, put on the augmented reality headset, and virtually try on different bags.

At lunch, you head down to your usual restaurant. The AI in the touch-screen kiosk suggests sandwiches you might like based on your order history, then uses facial recognition to complete the order and charge your account.

This is phygital marketing – all made possible by advances in augmented reality (AR).

The global AR and virtual reality (VR) markets are expected to reach 18.8 billion USD by the end of 2020 – over 78% growth from spending in 2019. By 2025, that growth is only expected to increase exponentially.

With the sophistication of AR/VR tech, more companies are incorporating it into their campaigns – and more consumers are expecting it.

In this Process Street post, we’ll take an in-depth look at the what and why of phygital marketing, but you can also skip ahead to one of the following sections:

Let’s get phygital!

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The Best Mindfulness Apps ‍♀️ Calm vs Headspace vs Waking Up vs Reflectly

The Best Mindfulness Apps  ♀️ Calm vs Headspace vs Waking Up vs Reflectly_1

Inhale… Exhale… Inhale… Exhale… ‍♂️

Why the deep breaths?

Perhaps because of the pandemic, its subsequent lockdown measures, and the impending breakdown of life as we know it?

In the midst of the global crisis, people are increasingly turning to mindfulness and meditation to regain a sense of calm in their lives.

This means that while the world goes bust, it’s boom time for the mindfulness app industry.

Downloads of mindfulness apps have doubled since mid-March and the digital mental health market is projected to reach $4.6bn in 2026; a massive jump from its value of $1.4bn in 2017.

Continue reading to take a look at the two key rivals in the mindfulness app game: Calm vs Headspace. We’ll also examine why people are turning to mindfulness as a means to cope with the pandemic, and check out two other alternatives beyond the Calm vs Headspace feud: Waking Up and Reflectly.

To skip to a specific section of this Process Street blog post click the appropriate link below:

Take a breath… Now let’s get started! ✨

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AI and Fake News: How Technology Has Changed Modern Propaganda

AI and Fake News How Technology Has Changed Modern Propagandamodern propaganda

“The misinformation crisis is a symptom of the enormously significant ways that the internet has changed our information ecosystem, which I don’t think anybody, least of all governments and traditional media, has fully got to grips with.” Al Baker, Managing Editor at Logically

If you’ve been on social media at all in the past decade, you’ve likely spoken to at least one synthetic person without even realizing it.

To be honest, probably more than one. In the early months of 2020, Twitter purged 174,000 bots it claimed were being used by the Chinese government.

This is what propaganda looks like today. But no, you say, propaganda is kitschy, cartoonish posters from the 1940s, and, once upon a time, you’d be right. The truth is, though, modern propaganda is almost completely digital – and not nearly as easy to spot.

Dictators use bots to stifle uprisings. Political candidates use bots to promote their platforms. Civil rights advocates use bots to schedule protests and share information. That new startup has bots to raise its brand profile, and if you’ve ever scheduled an automated post, you’ve used one, too.

Like most technology, bots aren’t malevolent by nature; how they’re used, however, is another matter entirely.

This article is going to examine the methods and origins of modern propaganda and what’s been done to combat it.

Onward, we go:
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Sorry, Windows Users — macOS 11 Big Sur Is the Best Operating System to Date

macOS 11

Republican or Democrat. Brexit or remaining in the EU. Pepsi or Coke.

There are some things that people just can’t agree on.

These debates all pale in comparison to the one argument that is so vitriolic, so polemic, and so bitter that it’s infamous the world over: The Mac vs Windows debate.

The heated rivalry has brought out the worst in people, with message boards, forums, and social media threads being the digital battlegrounds for these two factions to clash. The primary method of attack for Windows supporters is to scoff at the price of Apple’s Mac products. Mac aficionados — while they only make up 9-13% of all operating system users — go for the throat by ridiculing how error-prone Windows is.

But I’m glad to say that the operating system war has finally come to an end with a clear victor.


With their trojan horse — Big Sur — they’ve created an OS that’s so streamlined, easy to use, and downright fast — all while tying it in with the interface of iPadOS and iOS — that Windows 10’s defeat was inevitable.

But what’s changed, exactly? What are Big Sur’s most exciting features? And, more importantly, when is macOS 11 being released?

Make your way through the following sections in this Process Street post to find out:

Hey, Siri?

Scroll down so the reader can continue on with the post.

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The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation Automation (by GroverAI)

The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation Automation-03Grover is a state-of-the-art defense against neural fake news, developed in affiliation with the Allen Institute of AI by Rowan Zellers, Ari Holtzman, Hannah Rashkin, Yonatan Bisk, Ali Farhadi, Franziska Roesner, and Yejin Choi from the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering.

Publishing is the future of commerce, and no industry knows this better than the publishing industry. Whether you’re a fine artist like the cast of The Handmaid’s Tale, or a business, no matter your venue, you need to transform your content into a high-quality experience that stands above the competition.

For these noble causes, small and large publishers have joined forces to create the industry’s most powerful collaboration. For years, they’ve developed their own content management systems, (CMS) systems like WordPress, to power their new content. If you’re a writer, you’ve been spending thousands on graphics, forms, and audio equipment, alongside all the other expenses inherent to working with a CMS system. But, now’s the time to update your CMS system and cut out the middleman.
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Browser Security: The Best Browsers & Measures for Maximizing Online Safety

Browser Security

This is a guest post by Jack Warner. Jack is an accomplished cybersecurity expert with years of experience under his belt at TechWarn, a trusted digital agency to world-class cybersecurity companies. A passionate digital safety advocate himself, Jack frequently contributes to tech blogs and digital media sharing expert insights on topics such as whistleblowing and cybersecurity tools.

Why did you choose the browser you’re currently using?

If your answer is along the lines of “because everyone uses it“, you might want to rethink your choice.

Unfortunately, popularity is not inextricably linked to security. And in a world where cybercrime is ever more prevalent, privacy should be your utmost concern when you’re choosing a browser to surf the web. By 2021, online miscreants are expected to cause a whopping 6 billion dollars in damages. From a business perspective, you have no good reason to shoulder the risk that comes with a lack of sufficient browser security.

In this guest post for Process Street, I’ll discuss how different browsers fare at preserving your privacy and maintaining security, on top of providing ten tips to stop you and your team from falling victim to data breaches.

Read through the following sections to get clued up:

Let’s get started.

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4 Virtual Conference Process Templates to Cut Costs & Increase Sales


I shouldn’t be here.

I should be sitting in a field, sipping a lukewarm cider, waiting for Aerosmith to come on stage and blow me away.

I should’ve been at the Glastonbury music festival; the UK’s (muddier) equivalent to Coachella.

But thanks to Covid-19 I’m not.

I’m stuck in my hot, stuffy office.

Although it’s heartbreaking, I’m not the only person affected by the decision to cancel the biggest event in my calendar, and music festivals and social occasions aren’t the only events to get canned because of the pandemic.

Most business trips, in-person meetings, and big, costly conferences have also been canceled or postponed.

In fact, talking of conferences, the number of canceled conferences is said to be costing the economy billions. As a direct example, the losses from major tech conferences alone have soared beyond $1 billion.

But, before you start contributing to these losses and canceling your own conferences, there is another way.

Welcome to the world of virtual conferences.

As more and more businesses start to think of new, innovative ways to carry on with ‘business as usual’ during this troubling time, this Process Street post takes a look at the virtual conference. Not only is it a stop-gap until the virus disappears and normal life resumes, but it’s a great permanent replacement for the traditional, physical conference.

Join me as we discover the answers to the following questions:

Plus! On top of all that, we’ve developed four virtual conference process templates that you can use, for free, to help you plan and run the best, kick-ass virtual conference.

If you’re itching to see them, dive in and take a sneak peek:

Or pop into any of the other templates in this post directly from this list:

Take that Covid-19! We’re going virtual…
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Social Media Marketing Automation: Top 5 Tools and 7 Free Checklists

Social Media Marketing Automation Top 5 Tools and 7 Free Checklists-01

This is a guest post by Tom Siani, an online marketing expert with up to 4 years of experience in the digital industry. He is also collaborating with some well-known brands to generate traffic, create a sales funnel, and increase online sales. He has written a considerable number of articles about marketing via social media, brand marketing, blogging, and search visibility.

With over 50% of the world’s population using social media, a number that is only increasing, you can see how social media marketing is critical for reaching potential customers and driving sales.

With this in mind, in this Process Street article we look at how you can improve your social media marketing strategy to get ahead of the game. Specifically, we turn our attention to social media marketing automation.

We’ll explain the advantages of using social media marketing automation as part of your social media marketing strategy, in addition to presenting you with our top 5 social media marketing automation tools you can sign up and use today. Sound good?

But wait there is more!

To kick-off this article, I present Process Street as your critical social media marketing accomplice.

At Process Street, we have been working hard to provide you with practical template tools to assist you in delivering an optimal social media marketing strategy.

These template resources are listed below. Click on the links provided to jump straight in. Alternatively, scroll down to find out more.

If you want to jump to a specific section in this article, click on the relevant subheader below. If not, continue scrolling!

Let’s get started!
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How to Reach More Customers with Virtual Reality Real Estate


This is a guest post by Thornie Longmuir from EssayShark, an on-line academic writing service. Thornie Longmuir is an experienced marketing expert with a deep knowledge of SEO, and over 10 years of experience working within the IT industry. Through his articles, Thornie helps SMEs and entrepreneurs launch their online products or services and teaches them how to promote and sell them. His articles are mainly focused on new and upcoming marketing tools and techniques.

Real estate agents have it tough.

They often work long, anti-social hours, they spend hours driving to and from different locations, they face a lot of rejection, and it can take a long time to become successful.

Virtual Reality (VR) is a new type of technology that can solve these issues.


Let’s find out together by exploring the following topics in this Process Street post:

Ready to find out what impact VR is having on the real estate market today?

Let’s go!

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