
All posts in Onboarding

How to Automate User Onboarding with Customer Education

How to automate user onboarding with customer education

This is a guest post from Kyriaki Raouna, a Content Writer at LearnWorlds writing about marketing and elearning. She is an experienced career consultant and a content writer for SaaS.

User onboarding is one of the hottest topics of discussion amongst SaaS companies. You start thinking about it on day zero of your launch and continuously improving onboarding as your business grows.

Welcoming and educating users on the use of your product is a priority for software businesses, and while you scale, you will want to automate the onboarding process.

In fact, the quicker you do so, the better. Customer onboarding is a huge opportunity for every SaaS. Especially if you are working to increase sales and reduce churn rates.

When onboarding is combined with customer education, it becomes the ALPHA and OMEGA of activating users and ending up with loyal customers who are experts in your product and advocate for you.

Indeed, the biggest software companies with a highly valued brands use education as marketing and for user onboarding, but more on this later…

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App Virality Hacks: How Trello and Asana Grew to Millions of Users

Trello vs Asana

If you’re looking to rapidly grow your user-base by optimizing your product, simply signing up to Trello and Asana will give you a masterclass.

These two apps are optimized for virality because they work best when teams collaborate around them. Here’s how it’s done.

The whole point of project management apps is to give teams a central place to collaborate, update project status and store information. Trello and Asana aren’t particularly useful for individuals, so their product teams put extra effort into getting users to propagate the apps within their own organizations. No marketing required.

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Freemium Conversion Rate: Why Spotify Destroys Dropbox by 667%

Freemium Conversion Rate

In 2015, The Fader reported huge news for Spotify. Out of its 75 million monthly users, 20 million are paying customers.

A 26.6% conversion rate is staggering on freemium products. As Jason Cohen says:

“A really good conversion rate for free-to-paid is 4%, like Dropbox. Awesome for them, but normal rates are more like 1%, and that’s if users are reasonably active.”

If 1% is average, and Dropbox‘s “really good conversion rate” is 4%, then 26.6% is absolutely bloody ridiculous.

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6 Retail Process Checklists to Slash Running Costs & Improve Revenue

Retail Process

Retail stores are a must for today’s essential items. Not every retail store is a success, though, many smaller chains find out that the retail business is tough. If you don’t have a plan in place to help you fight the problems then you will struggle to make your business a success.

With today’s ever-growing competition on the high street from bigger chains and smaller chains, you will find it difficult to win over customers if you sell similar sorts of products. Even if your business is making profits or continually selling products, are you sure on how to keep it going? Do you know the basics from cleaning the store to displaying it correctly?

Here at Process Street, we have created 6 retail process checklists to help you keep on top of your business. These retail process checklists can be used daily and are stacked full of helpful information aiming to make you succeed in the retail world. Continue Reading

9 User Onboarding Tools to Smash Your Revenue Targets

user onboardingEffective user onboarding can make or break your business.

Poor onboarding of new users will mean a high number of users unsure how to use your product or how to get maximum value out of it.

This leads to churn, and lots of it.

According to TechCrunch, one in four mobile apps are abandoned after the first launch while Andrew Chen tells us that 77% of users drop an app just 72 hours after download.

In order to run a sustainable business, you need to make sure that the potential new users who sign up for your service are able to quickly and clearly understand why they should keep using your product.

We need to keep users active and increase the proportion of users who are paying customers. Then we can start driving the business forward!

But how do we do this?

Experiment. No one on the internet will be able to tell you exactly what you need to do to make your product a success. You have to find out for yourself. You need to test and iterate, gather data and analyze. This is your route to building a brilliant product.

With all this in mind, this Process Street article is going to cover:

  • Why user onboarding is super important
  • The key user onboarding approaches different businesses use
  • Sujan Patel’s 6 onboarding experiments for
  • Kevin Dewalt’s 4 steps to implement concierge onboarding
  • The 3 steps Process Street has taken to improve user onboarding
  • AND 9 tools to help you experiment with your user onboarding

Don’t say we don’t treat you!

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How Uber’s Onboarding Process Beat Taxis on Customer Satisfaction

uber onboardingUber currently has drivers operating in 633 cities worldwide. From nowhere they have stormed the market and disrupted taxi services globally.

Uber is one of the biggest successes of the sharing economy.

But what is it about Uber that allows for it to dominate the market?

There is of course the convenience of ordering through the app and all the benefits of the product but, as reported in The Richest, one big plus point is the drivers themselves. Consumers prefer them to taxi drivers.

Partly this is down to having an internal rating system to incentivize drivers to provide high quality services. However, to keep standards high Uber qualifies and onboards drivers to prepare them for their task of protecting the Uber brand.

In this Process Street article we’ll look at how Uber does this. We’ll investigate:

  • The importance of effective onboarding
  • How Uber enters a new market
  • The Uber driver application process
  • How Uber onboards new drivers

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How to Improve Your Employee Training Process to Reduce Turnover by 40%

employee training

No organization wants to keep an incompetent, untrained employee on its payroll.

That’s an obvious fact. However, the benefits of training are much greater than simply avoiding incompetence; trained employees are more productive, loyal, engaged, and profitable.

Those are nice sounding words, but what about the facts and figures?

Take a look:

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Scaling Your Business? Be Sure You Determine Customer Value

The following is a guest post from Sam Suthar, the CMO of Acquire.

Scaling your business is almost impossible until you know your customer’s value. Whether you’re going to scale a brick-and-mortar business or an online business, it doesn’t matter; it’s vitally important to understand what each customer is worth to your business.

Statistics by Unicom Group show that 50% of customers naturally churn every 5 years. Sadly, this number can increase if you fail to understand what the customer who signed up last night is worth.

Can you reduce your churn and increase customer retention rate?

Yes, it’s doable. Although very tricky. In the rest of this article, I will show you how to scale your business by first knowing the value of each customer.

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8 Example Processes to Guarantee Consistency in Your Business

example processes header

“Imitation is the sincerest [form] of flattery” – Charles Caleb Colton

There’s nothing wrong with looking at example processes and learning from what they do – if anything it’s the best way to improve your own business practices.

Plus, after learning the basic and advanced features of Process Street from the first two chapters of our consultant’s guide, looking at how others use the app is a great way to see those features in action.

After all, anyone can run a customer support checklist, but we want to make even creating processes more efficient.

To get your own processes kickstarted, I’m going to highlight 8 example processes (with ready-to-use templates) to boost consistency and efficiency in your business with Process Street. These include:

  • Scheduling a recurring daily routine
  • Tracking your employee onboarding
  • Surveying your email list or clients
  • Automatically managing customer data in Salesforce

example processes idea gif

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How to Hire a Virtual Assistant and Ditch the Work You Hate

hire a virtual assistant - header no hand

Your current team can’t handle any extra work. You’ve exhausted your process automation opportunities. You’ve got no choice but to bring in a fresh face.

You could hire a specialist, but they can be expensive and limited in the work you can hand off. You need to hire a virtual assistant.

hire a virtual assistant - overworked
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